Tuesday, June 6, 2017

No. 60 - Seashore Trolley Museum's Laconia Car Company-built Collection

In the hands of Seashore Trolley Museum members/volunteers,
Ed Dooks and his granddaughter Chelsey Pino, carefully
peel away the paper from the newly applied Laconia Car
Company decal on the side sill of the Laconia Car
Company-built, and then newly restored,
1906 electric locomotive from the Atlantic Shore Line Railways,
No. 100. Image by PWM 6-30-2009

The Laconia Car Company was located in the center of
Laconia, NH. Over the years, it expanded and took up 7 acres
of land. There were woodworking shops, foundries, set-up
shops, storehouses, and paint shops. The extensive
four-story brick building was dedicated to the iron foundry, which was
connected with the car fabrication business.

     Laconia Car Company was one of the important electric railway streetcar manufacturing companies at the turn of the 20th century. This builder was the only industry in the New Hampshire town of the same name. The community problems faced by the townspeople following the company's collapse in 1928 have been the subject of several important economic studies. (1) Seashore Trolley Museum has ten accessioned electric railway representatives from the Laconia Car Company among its collections. The Laconia collection at Seashore Trolley Museum is diverse. Starting with two early single-truck models from 1895, with monitor roofs and a seating capacity of 26 passengers, up to a 1918 semi-convertible, with a seating capacity of 44. The collection includes a 1904, double-truck, 15-bench, open car with a railroad roof, wooden interurbans, a postal service car, and a wooden steeple cab locomotive.

     Three of these Laconia vehicles in Seashore's collection are listed in the National Register of Historic Places; 1904 Portsmouth Dover & York Street Railway, No. 108, wooden Railway Post Office/Express, 1906 Atlantic Shore Line, No. 100, wooden Steeple Cab Locomotive, and 1912 Portland-Lewiston Interurban, No. 14 - Narcissus, wooden Interurban Coach.

(1) p. 6, 1954 "Historic Cars of the Seashore Electric Railway, 1st edition

     This post will focus on the 1941 acquisition of the fourth car (body) acquired by the founders of the fledgling Seashore Trolley Museum:

1895 - No. 60 - Manchester Street Railway
City & Suburban Streetcar - Single motor/Handbrake
Laconia Car Company - Seats: 26 - L: 29' 6"   W:        Ht:              Wt:
Date Purchased: April 11, 1941

Seashore Trolley Museum's, 1895 Laconia Car Company-built,
Manchester Street Railway No. 60 enclosed vestibules.

     One of the first trolleys in New Hampshire, it had a twenty-foot body and it originally had longitudinal plush upholstered seats and open platforms; vestibules were enclosed in 1899. After being withdrawn from passenger service, No. 60 was kept as a railway maintenance car to sand rails for many years and its body was acquired by Seashore in 1941. Historic Cars: The National Collection at the Seashore Trolley Museum by Ben Minnich. 

A truck for No. 60 was acquired from a scrapped Portland Railroad car. See and hear the founder of Seashore Trolley Museum, Ted Santarelli, talk briefly about how No. 60 was transported to Maine and the process of acquiring its truck. The opening is a brief account of how the Seashore Trolley Museum was started.

A drawing on No. 60 in its original configuration with the open vestibules.
Image from the book, Historic Cars of the
Seashore Electric Railway, 1st Edition, 1954.

     The cars of the 1890s were very much like the earlier horse cars but were larger and heavier. They had monitor roofs (without the eyebrow-style ends), yellow-belly sides, and open platforms (vestibules). (1)

June 1941 report of the fledgling
Seashore Electric Railway makes no mention
of acquiring No. 60 earlier that year.
The deadline for printing may have been the reason?

The 1945 report was in this
February 1946 NEERHS - Seashore Electric Railway Annual Report.
Notice the W. F. Goddard drawing of No. 60 is
prominent at the top. PWM

Page 2 of the February 1946 Annual Report
has a photo of the Brill 21E trucks being
"acquired" from the Portland Railroad car.
See the story below. PWM

Page 3 of the February 1946 annual Report
has images of No. 60 with and without its
trucks. 1940 having some paint applied and 1944, a
couple of images of it on the rails :) PWM

     Edward Dooks, a long-time Seashore Trolley Museum member/volunteer, conducted, recorded, and transcribed, recollections of  Seashore Trolley Museum members' experiences involving the Museum. In addition, Ed recorded, collected, and transcribed recollections of local neighbors for the Seashore Trolley Museum. Here are some of those transcriptions, as they relate to the acquisition of No. 60 in 1941.

Transcripts from 1988 interviews conducted by Ed Dooks. Interviewees:
A = John Amlaw, one of Seashore's original members
B = Henry Brainerd, one of Seashore's earliest members

No. 60

A: We talked to Mr. Goodman (the junk man) for the better part of an hour and I asked him how much he wanted for the car. He was trying to get me to name a price and I said, "Well, Mr. Goodman, it's your property. So, how can I name a price for your property?" He finally said, "$100."

It was at this point that I told him that as far as I was concerned, it was worth nothing; that I'd give him $5 just to pay him for putting it on the books, but that the car was all wood; the only metal in it were the screws and nuts and bolts which was practically nothing as far as junk value was concerned. He would have to move it out of Manchester, down to Bedford.

In fact, he would have to move it down to Bedford to scrap it because he couldn't do it under Manchester City limits and it would cost him more to move that car down there and time, effort, and wages that he would never get back from scrapping it. So, we finally got down to the point where he said $25 and that was as low as he would go. Well, I had a $10 bill wrapped up, folded up in my (wallet) and I said, "Well, I guess I'll put this away." So, as soon as I started to unfold the $10, he reached out and grabbed my hand and he said, "Wait a minute. We're not done talking yet." So we kept on, and he said $10, well, all right. that's fairly close to $25." So we told him there were some things wrong with no. 60. Some things missing, but there was another car there, 58, which was the same kind of car, and if we could have the parts from 58 to fix up 60, then I would pay him the $10. so he agreed to this.

So we paid him the money for it and got the car and he subsequently came over to the barn when we were working on the cars and he came in and looked at it and he said, "Oh, I didn't know this was the car, I'm sorry I charged you the $10 for it. I didn't realize what it was. Look, come down here." So, we went down to another car that had new upholstery and new curtains in it and I don't know how it came about, because Manchester wasn't noted for putting new equipment in the cars, but maybe it was in the stock room and they figured they'd use it before they went out of business. "Take anything out of this car. These are nice new curtains, new seats. Take them to fix up the other car and anything else you want. Just don't take any brass." So, I said, "Mr. Goodman, if we need something and it's brass, would it be all right with you if we take it and show it to you and set a price on it?" "Yes, yes, that'll be fine," he said. So we did get one or two of the window bars on the bulkhead, not the outside window gratings which were iron. When he saw them he said, "Oh, that doesn't amount to anything, just take them."

So, we got 60 fixed up, and the way we had it was to hire a couple of fellows in Manchester. They got a pair of wagon wheels about 4 ft. in diameter on a long axle and put it under the middle of the car, just back of the middle, but the front end of it onto the back of a Model A Ford coupe, and drove the 80 miles from Manchester to Seashore in that manner.

D: Do you remember the guys' names?

A: No, I don't. Unfortunately, they were typical French names, and I can't for the life of me remember them.

B: It seems to me that we did something like enrolling them as members so they could say they were members doing some volunteer. We did pay them something but that was off the record and, if anyone tried to stop them for commercial trucking without proper permits, or anything, they could show something to prove they were members.

You didn't say anything about going up and painting 60 before we moved it. that's the day I was with you, so I remember. We were in a Model A Ford coupe with a rumble seat that was one of Earl Bacon's better buys, you know, "Better buy it before it falls apart." and you were driving. I was in the middle of the front seat, and we synchronized our actions so when you put the clutch down, I'd shift the gear to whatever was needed. I think Ted, Horton, and Lou Phinney, were with us. They had gallon cans of paint around their feet and we painted it red on the upper side panel and yellow on the lower. I think we painted some numbers so that they looked something like they should have. I remember I went around picking up all the old mica washers for the resistor grids and everyone else thought I was foolish, but it struck me they'd be very valuable if we ever had to change resistor grids.
We spent the full day and so when the car was moved, it had reasonably good-looking paint.

60 was on a truck that John and some others got from a work car in Portland and couldn't afford motors.

A: As I recall it, when Portland went out, we were just about broke and just barely managing to keep up with the firms we owed and we just didn't want to try it (getting a car from Portland). What we did get from (Portland) was a (Brill 21E) truck. I guess it was from the Deering Carbarn. They had a little
single-truck car.--- One thing about Portland--they kept the same design for many of their cars. So, these little single-truck box cars, the last of them were all steel, but they were still built to exactly the same standards as the wooden ones were in the beginning. That's where we got the truck for no. 60. We took the body off and dumped it down in that little ravine beside the barn. I remember Ted was saying at the time that was too bad that we had to junk this car because it was a beautiful little car but we just couldn't afford it. So, we didn't dare take a chance.

A: I remember 60 was painted white during the War. We painted it with white lead prime. A group of hunters came down one night just to gossip and they thought they were getting a little too much nose paint when they came through the woods and saw a white streetcar facing them. The colors were almost identical to those used by First National Stores. So we used to joke that it was the First National's Auxiliary car.

Transcripts from July 4, 1989, interviews conducted by Ed Dooks. Interviewees:
B = Charlie Brown, one of Seashore's original members
C = Jerry Cunningham, one of Seashore's original members
P = Lucien Phinney, one of Seashore's original members

P: What I want to know is, when did we go to Portland to strip the truck from the Portland car, the Portland Railroad car that was being dismantled? Because I was there and I remember what a bombastic thing it was when we cut the last bolt loose and the truck fell loose from the car, which was on its side. That was preparation for having the truck moved to Kennebunk for, they tell me now, the City of Manchester.

B: The body from Manchester, of number 60 came over here on two big wagon wheels pulled by a pickup truck. Had had no truck. Had no steel streetcar truck. To obtain a suitable truck steel streetcar truck, for that car body we went to Portland and dismantled a work car, I think 316 or 318, which had an identical truck in good condition, and that was placed under Manchester 60 and so we had a composite car if you will. but I believe that is what happened. We have a photograph of the car body from a Portland car being tipped off its truck. And the body was scrapped; it was in such bad shape. The truck, I think is a Brill 21E, fit perfectly under the Manchester car. So we had one good car.

1895 Manchester Street Railway Car No. 60 is awaiting a project manager to lead its full restoration.

Click Here: Complete Video of Theodore Santarelli explaining the "Birth" of Seashore Trolley - 1939

Additional blog posts on Seashore Trolley Museum's Laconia Car Company-built Collection:
Click Here: No. 14 - 1912 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 38 - 1907 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 60 - 1895 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 100 - 1906 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 108 - 1904 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 235 & No. 50 - 1895 & 1902 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 4175 - 1914 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
Click Here: No. 4387 - 1918 Laconia Car Company-built Collection
We continue the restoration work on the 1912, Narcissus, the only surviving high-speed, luxury interurban coach of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban. 

Click Here: Narcissus Restoration-Related Posts

Being more than a century old, the stately, "Elegant Ride," Narcissus, is a gem.  This shimmering precious stone of Maine transportation history is brilliantly resplendent as it emanates so many elements of history, including; time, places, people, and events, that it was coupled to, that when just a smattering of its seemingly innumerable stories are shared, the contents captivates, fascinates, then generates, interest to learn more 🙋. The majestic Narcissus is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Please consider joining the epic journey to complete the Narcissus Project by making a donation today!

Click Here: Donation Options

The restoration of this majestic icon of Maine's electric railway history is but one in a series of captivating stories containing an abundance of incredible coalition of narratives.

Click Here: History-Related Posts - Narcissus and Portland-Lewiston Interurban

     The Narcissus is featured in the national Gold Award-winning novel, Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride. The "Elegant Ride" is the Narcissus. Theodore Roosevelt was a passenger on the Narcissus on August 18, 1914, between Lewiston and Portland, Maine, while campaigning for the Progressive Party candidates.

Click Here: Bookstores and Businesses promoting the Narcissus Project

Independent book publisher, Phil Morse, holding
the Gold Book Award Winner plaque for
 the Middle Reader category for The Eric
Hoffer Book Award. Congratulations to
award-winning Maine author,
Jean M. Flahive

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