The Narcissus in early November 2018. The 37-foot-long
left side-sill and attached steel channel have been removed and
separated from each other. Both will be replaced. The 550 lb.
steel channel on each side was easier to find than the two
37-foot old-growth southern yellow pine sills. Both will
be time-consuming and physically demanding to prepare,
position, and reinstall. PWM
The Narcissus was built in 1912 in Laconia, NH, and operated on the Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI) between the two cities from 1914 to 1933. This luxury, high-speed, wooden electric interurban with its exquisite interior was appointed by the intrepid builder of the PLI, W. S. Libbey. Libbey also personally named each of the original six coaches after his favorite flowers. Theodore Roosevelt was a passenger on the Narcissus during a trip from Lewiston to Portland on August 18, 1914.
Click Here to go to the year-end summary of outreach activities for the Narcissus 2018
Theodore Roosevelt from the train doorway on the No. 2 end
of the Narcissus, addresses the gathered crowd in Gray, Maine
on August 18, 1914. Photo courtesy Gray Historical Society
The Narcissus retired from public operations on the Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI) eighty-six years ago. Following its life in public service, the body of the Narcissus was moved to Sabattus, Maine, and became the family summer camp of J. Henri Vallee for about thirty-five years.
Far-right - J. Henri Vallee and family members inside the
Narcissus circa 1964. Photo courtesy of Daniel Vallee
Fifty years ago, the Narcissus body arrived on campus at Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine, on October 31, 1969.
The crew stops at Allen's Farm Store in West
Cumberland as they are on their way to the
Museum from Sabattus October 31, 1969.
Photos courtesy of Kathy Allen Merrill
The Narcissus is currently under restoration at the Museum and is on track to be completed in the fall of 2021. Once the restoration is completed, the Narcissus will serve as an operating testimonial to Maine's Finest and Fastest Electric Interurban Railroad.
Morrison Hill Station was built in 1915 for use by passengers
using the Portland-Lewiston Interurban in West Cumberland.
Used mostly for the local schedule, the Narcissus would have
stopped at this station from time to time till 1933. What a
fitting venue to stage the ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating
the completed restoration of the Narcissus. PWM
Narcissus Updates & News
The Narcissus 1912 Project Blog celebrated its third full calendar year as 2018 came to a close. Total page views passed 190,000 at the end of December (2018). This is an increase of 75,000 views since the end of 2017. The blog was created to reach out to a large number of folks, through the power of social media, to introduce them to the Narcissus Restoration Project.
The Narcissus Project blog posts include updates on the restoration of the Narcissus, which is currently taking place at Seashore Trolley Museum's Donald G. Curry Town House Restoration Shop in Kennebunkport, Maine. Posts also include topics; on the connections that Theodore Roosevelt has here in Maine, the PLI and its connections to the communities it served (Portland, Falmouth, Cumberland, Gray, New Gloucester, Auburn, and Lewiston), the builder of the PLI; W. S. Libbey, other electric railway systems in Maine, people of Maine that had an impact on electric railway development here in Maine, and the Seashore Trolley Museum.
Hopefully, as the restoration continues over the next three years, these posts generate interest from readers to become engaged in the Narcissus project, and, spread the word about the project, and perhaps support the Narcissus financially. For information on donation options, scroll down the page until you come to that section. We are currently fundraising for the interpretation programs that will be created to tell this fascinating 100+-year-old story of the Narcissus. Please help by making a donation today:)
2018- Another Year of Progress

Narcissus Project Manager, Phil Morse (L) holding the
matching grant check of $40,000 from 20th Century Electric
Railway Foundation with Donald Curry (R) and the
Narcissus is in the background. Photo PWM - January 2018
There are two major artifacts from the Portland-Lewiston Interurban within the Seashore Trolley Museum's collection, that will be crucial resources to have available as we create the interpretation programs for the Narcissus Project. Both artifacts require professional conservation and repairs before being professionally photographed. We will then have the high-quality digital files in the Museum Library archives for use in creating exhibits/displays and education programs for the Narcissus Project. The two artifacts are:

Narcissus Project Manager, Phil Morse (L) holding the
matching grant check of $40,000 from 20th Century Electric
Railway Foundation with Donald Curry (R) and the
Narcissus is in the background. Photo PWM - January 2018
Left to right - Bryan Conley, Mary Libbey
Conley, with Arthur Jones. Mary Libbey
Conley is a great-granddaughter to W. S.
Libbey. Thank you to Arthur Jones and Joe
Brogan, Founders of the 20th Century Electric
Railway Foundation for believing in the
Museum as we continue the work on the
Narcissus. So many donors, like the Conleys,
made the Foundation match possible through
their generous donations to the Narcissus
Project. Thank you, to all the donors,
grantors, and businesses that continue
to help the Narcissus ❤❤
Photo courtesy of Mary Libbey Conley
First, we'll take a brief look back at one of the earliest blog posts featuring the beautiful leaded stained glass window restoration work done in 2014 & 2015. Deb Caron Plourde, at Sundancer Stained Glass in Saco, Maine did the restoration work on the forty ornate leaded stained glass windows for the Narcissus. Then we'll share progress made and plans developed in 2018.
The restoration work on the stained glass was completed in
2015. I didn't want you to forget just how wonderful they are!
All 26 clerestory stained glass windows were temporarily in
place during the 2016 Theodore Roosevelt Days Event.
A glimpse of the wondrous experience in store for us upon
completion of the restoration of the Narcissus. PWM
An Original Book, featuring the Narcissus, to be published in 2019
A new pursuit in 2018 included expanding our efforts to generate interest combined with revenues for projects, through publishing original books that have a storyline that may feature a collection item and or the Museum. With financial support from an outside source, and working through Maine Authors Publishing in Thomaston (ME), a contract was signed early in 2018 with award-winning Maine author, Jean Flahive, to write a young reader (grades 3-7) historical fiction chapter book. The storyline features a young girl in Gray (ME) during the years 1911-1919 when the Portland-Lewiston Interurban came through town and her encounter with Theodore Roosevelt while he was a passenger on the Narcissus. By the end of 2018, the manuscript draft was completed. The book is expected to be published later in 2019. Our hope is that this book will be appealing to a broad audience, but in particular, to schools in Maine during Maine’s upcoming Bicentennial celebration year (2020).
Maine author, Jean Flahive
has completed the draft of the
manuscript of her new young readers,
historical fiction chapter book, which
features a young girl from Gray and her
encounter with Theodore Roosevelt when
he was a passenger on the Narcissus.
Image courtesy of Jean Flahive
Maine DMV is selling a Bicentennial commemorative license
plate for use over the front plate of registered vehicles in
Maine. The new young readers' historical fiction
chapter book featuring Narcissus is expected to be
published in time for release in 2020. PWM
These charming ladies all rode on the interurbans of
Portland-Lewiston Interurban when they were young girls
growing up in Gray, Maine. Two nonagenarians and one
centenarian. The interview took place on Saturday
morning, June 23, 2018, at the Gray Historical
Society. PWM photo.
With the ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completed restoration of the 1912 Portland-Lewiston Interurban, No. 14, Narcissus set for the fall of 2021 at Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, plans for creating the interpretation portion of the Narcissus project are a high priority. And no planning is more important than working to identify available to tell us, first-hand, what their experiences were growing up in a community that had the services of the interurbans of the PLI.
On Saturday, June 23, 2018, at the Gray Historical Society, it was an honor to interview, collect, and record accountings from three residents of Gray who were young girls during PLI operations. Organized by the Gray Historical Society's President, Donald Whitney, Don was able to make arrangements to have his Aunt Elizabeth and two peers will be interviewed. Pictured in the image above, L-R; Miriam Bisbee, Charlotte Verrill Frost, and Elizabeth Whitney Megguier. The ladies had family members and some family friends in attendance during the interview. An audio version of the interview was recorded and later professionally transcribed for the collection of the Gray Historical Society and for Seashore Trolley Museum. All three ladies had ridden in PLI interurbans and perhaps had ridden in the Narcissus. From this gathering, through Elizabeth's niece, Aubie Dingwell, we learned the name of the young girl in Gray who tossed the bouquet of sweet peas into the Narcissus for Theodore Roosevelt on August 18, 1914! Marguerite Morrill Duplisea (1903-1986) tossed the bouquet and the accounting of her action, as reported in the newspaper on August 19, 1914, was the inspiration for creating the book that is now scheduled to be published in 2019.
During 2018, we began looking ahead toward developing interpretation offerings that include engaging exhibits, displays, and educational programs about the Narcissus and the numerous PLI-related storylines. The first step is to identify where and what artifacts, photographs, and other ephemera might be available to us. During the summer of 2018, we first identified more than 30 different organizations that have or may have collections that could be helpful to us in developing these various interpretation offerings. Nearly half of the organizations have been contacted and have replied to our request. A special thank you goes to dear new friends Kathy Allen Merrill and Nancy Wilson Latham for their commitment of time to researching archives and their sense of humor :) One of the organizations is the Maine Historical Society (MHS). MHS has several collections that have PLI-related files. Their CMP Collection (Central Maine Power Company owned several electric railways in Maine, including the Portland-Lewiston Interurban) includes 200 linear feet of archival materials listed in a 300-page bibliography. In late December (2018), we received a preliminary report from the MHS researcher on contents with specific PLI-related files in their CMP Collection. A review of the pertinent files will be made in 2019.There are two major artifacts from the Portland-Lewiston Interurban within the Seashore Trolley Museum's collection, that will be crucial resources to have available as we create the interpretation programs for the Narcissus Project. Both artifacts require professional conservation and repairs before being professionally photographed. We will then have the high-quality digital files in the Museum Library archives for use in creating exhibits/displays and education programs for the Narcissus Project. The two artifacts are:
A photo showing a portion of the original hand-drawn map
of the elevation and grade of the Portland, Gray and
Lewiston Railroad (which became the Portland-Lewiston
Interurban in 1914). PWM photo
The Employees of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban Scrapbook. Starting in 1938, for four consecutive years before the U.S. entered WW ll, the former PLI employees and their families attended an annual reunion in Gray (ME). All were encouraged to submit PLI-related items to share with the gathered attendees. A scrapbook was made to hold these submitted items. This scrapbook is about 28 inches by 23 inches with 112 pages. More than 200 photographs, numerous newspaper clippings, hand-written notes, poems, PLI-related ephemera, etc., are attached to pages in the scrapbook. The contents are incredible. Flipping through the pages, looking at the photos, and reading the poems, news clippings, personal notes, and cards, one can’t help but become sentimental, nostalgic, and grateful. Grateful to Charles Heseltine and those PLI employees and their family members who provided these personal keepsakes for inclusion in this amazing scrapbook. Charles Heseltine then entrusted the scrapbook to O. R. Cummings, who in turn entrusted the scrapbook to the Library at Seashore Trolley Museum. All items in the scrapbook have condition issues and need conservation. An appraisal of its contents' condition and an estimate totaling $26,000 to professionally conserve, repair, and photograph the contents was provided by the Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover (MA).
Cover page of the large scrapbook created by Charles D. Heseltine, using photos,
newspaper clippings, and original ephemera from the Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI);
including poetry, personal cards, notes, and notations from employees and their families.
My understanding is that Heseltine passed the scrapbook on to O. R. Cummings, who in
turn, passed it on to the New England Electric Railway Historical Society's
Library. Seashore Trolley Museum is owned and operated by the NEERHS in
Kennebunkport, ME
The scrapbook has several pages dedicated to reunions of former PLI
employees and their families. There are four reunions specifically
cataloged; June 29, 1938, June 29, 1939, June 30, 1940, and
June 28, 1941. All four of the reunions were held in Gray, ME. 1938
and 1941 reunions were held at the Newbegin Hall (seen above). The
June 28, 1941. All four of the reunions were held in Gray, ME. 1938
and 1941 reunions were held at the Newbegin Hall (seen above). The
1939 and 1940 reunions were held at the Pennell Institute Gymnasium.
It is noted in newspaper articles of the times, that combined, the total of
former PLI employees and their family members that attended each of the
reunions in 1939 and 1940, well exceeded 100 in attendance.
The image above is from the final annual reunion, in 1941.
Restoration workIn January, we received an updated draft of the Preliminary Paint Analysis Report that includes several painted finishes on the exterior as well as the interior of Narcissus and also from the Arbutus clerestory sash. This is a working document that will continue to be updated until the report is finalized. There are several new pieces of information in this January 18, 2018, report updated from the initial draft dated November 15, 2017.
Above - One of several pages of analysis details of the samples analyzed
for use in determining final choices for Narcissus finishes. Image from
Amy Cole Ives, President, Sutherland Conservation & Consulting -
Augusta, ME
A test sample of the dark Pullman green will be the
exterior color of the Narcissus. The above are of the same
sample in a different light. During their operating years
on the PLI, the interurbans were sometimes called the "black"
cars. The color is definitely shiny. Depending on the light,
the color changes from nearly black to olive green. PWM
On February 27th we received an email from the 20th Century Electric Railway Foundation which included an RFP invite to submit an estimate; for the total costs associated with all aspects of work, materials, etc. with a timeline, to complete the restoration of the Narcissus. We had thirty days to submit the request. The thirty-day window to generate specific estimates of time, labor, and costs for all components and tasks remaining related to completing the restoration was a formidable task. Below are general accountings of the many, but by no means, all of the details that were researched, assessed, and then assembled into a spreadsheet that included estimates of costs and time to complete, which in turn then was summarized in a proposal that was submitted on time for the principals and board members of the 20th Century Electric Railway Foundation to review.
Undaunted by the Challenge
Here is the general accounting of a number of the tasks ahead to complete the narcissus restoration. This general explanation will help to give readers a better sense of the enormity of this complex restoration project;
The body of the Narcissus arrived on the campus of Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport on October 31, 1969. The body of the Narcissus had been purchased by J. Henri Vallee for $100 thirty-five years earlier for use as his family summer camp in Sabattus.
Narcissus next to Shop 1 at Seashore Trolley Museum
during its removal from the "Highway Monster" trailer.
Next, it would be placed on trucks acquired from Canada.
By 1934, the Narcissus had been stripped of all mechanical components to make it "go" and "stop". Both original trucks were scrapped and virtually all metal components/accessories/piping, whether formerly attached to the exterior of the coach body or within its interior, had been removed including; all seats and mechanical accessories, and overhead luggage racks. Mr. Vallee did retain a few seat bottom cushions and back seat cushions, some of the ornate leaded glass and passenger windows and sash, also brass door handles, light sockets, hinges, window and door latches, screws, etc. Wiring for 120-volt (AC) household use was inserted throughout the interior of the body.
In 1965 (four years before the Narcissus arrived on campus), the Museum did acquire a set of trucks from Canada, though not a match for the original trucks, they were considered strong candidates for use by the Narcissus. Two additional sets of trucks have been acquired over the years that were also considered to be possible candidates for use by the Narcissus. Other major electrical and mechanical components would be salvaged/acquired in the later 60s and over many years.
Photographs play an important role in helping us identify components, placement of components, and establishing a timeline based on changes made to components.
Above left, inside the Laconia Car Co.-built, Arbutus. Right, Narcissus 2015 - sister to Arbutus.
Based on the two images above, we identify many things that are helpful in our search. For example - on the left, we can see the specific brass handles on the reversible seatbacks. From that, we can then locate one from our parts department or a match with one that can be removed from a seat in one of the other electric railway vehicles in the Museum's collection, then use the match as a sample for having replicas cast at a foundry. This process of identifying individual parts, searching for samples or replacements, and locating companies to provide estimates of costs and turnaround time, is incredibly time-consuming. On the right, we can clearly see the outlines on the floor where the oval-shaped bases of each seat pedestal were.
Each of the passenger compartment windows has a curtain.
We have a number of the originals, but not all of them.
Availability and estimates of cost for the materials to make
replacements, and for any mechanical components needed
is one of the many very time-consuming tasks that are
necessary for dozens and dozens....and dozens of
components to complete the project.
Above left, number 1 end of the Gladiolus. Right, the Narcissus.
The above exterior images are two of the several we have of the four Laconia Car Company-built interurbans that have been used to help identify Narcissus components and proper placement of components. We will need to locate or replicate many components; two retrievers (the round unit that holds and releases the rope for the trolley pole), brass/iron footpegs (used for conductor/motorman to place foot to ascend to the roof of the coach), brass ends and wood handles at all doorways, metal steps, all accessories for the doors, metal trap doors need major repairs or replacement (and trap door accessories), and all components attached to the roof (and their accessories).
The above-left image of the Clematis helped to create a spec sheet to build a replica fender (the fender in this image is the V-shaped iron component that clears debris that may be on the track). We have couplers for each end, one anti-climber (ribbed-iron piece attached to the bumper), one bumper that is in very good condition, and one bumper that needs major work or needs to be replaced. We have one original train door (seen in both images) with two of the three window sashes. The above-right image is of a correct headlight for the Narcissus that was recently donated to the Museum.
Identifying, locating, and creating estimates for components -
The Narcissus will need two HL-15-B Westinghouse Multiple Control System controllers. Back in the late '60s, a trade of components was made with BAERA (Bay Area Electric Railroad Association) in Suisun, CA for two. These were recently located on campus and were extracted and will now be refurbished for use in the Narcissus. PWM
It is difficult to narrow down specific estimates on items that haven't been located or ones that have been located but haven't been able to be extracted from their location as of yet to access their condition. An example is a reverser, as seen in the image above. We did locate one recently on campus in one of the very early storage buildings. The term "buried" comes to mind when thinking of making plans to move all the heavy components that have been placed strategically, surrounding and covering the reverser over the past fifty-plus years that must be removed before being able to extract the piece.
This Westinghouse Multiple Unit System - 8-unit switch box
for use in the Narcissus was located early in the summer
on-campus, buried in a completely full-of-parts, BAR boxcar.
The unit was acquired from Boston MTA Everett Shops as
they were clearing out obsolete parts more than 50 years ago!
1917 Westinghouse advertisement promoting
the HL Control system
We are grateful to donors like Boston's MTA, Gertrude Libbey Anthony, Paul Libbey, Forest Greenwood, Joseph Levigne, James & Robert Greenwood, Central Maine Power, Richard Budd, Charles Heseltine, and O. R. Cummings, who donated Portland-Lewiston Interurban-related materials to Gray Historical Society, Maine Historical Society, and the New England Electric Railway Historical Society (Seashore Trolley Museum). And to the many members of NEERHS and other sister railway organizations around the country, over the nearly eighty years that have helped acquire, move, and store the many parts from destinations around the country to the Museum campus for use in restoring the mass transit vehicles at the Museum.
The High Capacity Car Fuse Box on the left
(Fig. 1804) is of the type used in the Narcissus.
The ones needed have been located within
the inventory at STM.
The Museum has had a very active parts department for nearly eighty years now. The Narcissus, like many previous restorations, benefits from the parts department by having many parts available for use in the restoration or for use as a template to make or cast replica parts.
Above left, an original destination sign from the Arbutus was donated to the Gray Historical Society by the late Mrs. Gertrude Libbey Anthony. Mrs. Anthony was the eldest daughter of W. S. Libbey, the builder of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban. Gray Historical Society allowed us to borrow the sign so that we could take measurements to create two replica signs for the Narcissus. Above right, a 3-D drawing of the original sign brackets (that the four wooden panels attach to) was created and will be used to cast four new brackets to make the two new signs.
There are two, six-foot, leather-upholstered bench seats in the smoking compartment and two, two-passenger, plush-upholstered bench seats attached to the bulkhead that separates the smoking compartment from the passenger compartment. No remnants of either of these seats or accessories survived. Vintage Electric Railway Journal articles or advertisements, and in some cases, looking at similar seating in other vehicles on campus, have been very helpful in learning about a variety of components, designs, patents, and in some cases, details of placements of components.
In July, we placed the order for the twenty
brass seat handles for the Narcissus. Most,
if not all the remaining brass components that
need to be cast will be ordered in 2019.
Preparation for the most challenging work to date on the Narcissus paid off in 2018 as the removal of two thirty-seven-foot-long southern yellow pine side sills with their steel channel was removed. Replacement southern yellow pine timbers had not been secured by the end of the year.
Above left has the left side sill and its steel channel separated from each other after their removal from the passenger compartment foundation. The above right has the right side sill and steel channel in the same position as the left side.
A new steel channel was positioned for preparation before its being installed.
Above left, the two new primed steel channel lengths await their move into the shop. Above, on the right, the new steel channel is positioned next to the old channel on the left side and seen after the holes have been drilled. Click Here to see the post with the videos showing the holes being drilled using the
magnetic drill.
Gold leaf was used both on the exterior of the coach and on the interior. The interior gold leaf is on each center ceiling panel and each clerestory side ceiling panel. The exterior lettering and numbers were all gold leaf. Estimates were gathered for having the interior and exterior gold leaf done.
Gold leaf fleur-de-lis in the corners of each of the
center ceiling panels of the passenger compartment.
Samples were taken and analyzed.
Amy Cole Ives, president of Sutherland Conservation with
gold leaf decorative artist, Tony Costa, examines the
decorative gold leaf on one of the center ceiling panels from
the Narcissus. PWM
center ceiling panels of the passenger compartment.
Samples were taken and analyzed.
Amy Cole Ives, president of Sutherland Conservation with
gold leaf decorative artist, Tony Costa, examines the
decorative gold leaf on one of the center ceiling panels from
the Narcissus. PWM
Measuring the original "N" in the gold leaf lettering. PWM
In 2018, Lary Shaffer worked on making the replacement mahogany sash for the leaded stained glass windows in the passenger compartment.
Quality mahogany was acquired for use in making the sash
for the large stained glass "eyebrows". One eyebrow is
located over each pair of passenger windows. These boards
are 20-inches wide and 19-inch wide and both are 4-quarters
in thickness. PWM
Lary Shaffer cutting one of the rough mahogany "eyebrows"
"halves" closer to the measurement lines before shaping.
Lary Shaffer also cut the long mahogany bottom rails
of the large eyebrow sash.
Various jigs for the shaper cuts.
Lary Shaffer made this jig for being able to make
precise cut on the end where the two "halves" join at the top.
A trial joining of the various pieces is successful!
Lary also repaired these exterior poplar arches that are on the
number 2 end of the Narcissus. Each is above
the single-sash passenger window and holds the leaded
stained glass mahogany sash.
repair work started on the mahogany panels
that were removed from the passenger
compartment. One side of the seat bottom
mechanism attaches to each panel.
Twenty, seat-bottoms and backs will be built. Different springs are used in each.
Various components for the electric heater units
will be cast and built from scratch.
Luggage racks will be cast to mount along the length
of the passenger compartment above the seats on each side.
The proper headlight, in perfect condition, was
donated to the Museum in 2018 and will be used
on the Narcissus.
Brake wheels and their components, and resistor grids were located on campus and extracted for use in the Narcissus after they have all been assessed, cleaned, rebuilt, etc. as necessary.
The list goes on and on, seemingly never-ending. A lot of headway was made in 2018. To help guests who attended the 4th annual Teddy Roosevelt Days event to visualize where various larger components belong on the Narcissus, shop staff and volunteers placed photos and descriptions along the sills and other exterior components of the Narcissus.
The photos were of the components and approximately where
the component will be once the Narcissus is complete.
There are a lot of components attached below the
passenger compartment!
The interlocking rubber tiles of green and red that are in
the smoking compartment and down the center aisle of
the passenger compartment was patented in the late 1800s.
Typical brake layout
The original trucks (wheels, motors, axle assembly) were
scrapped in 1933/34. They were a very rare type of truck,
with each containing two, 90-hp motors. The trucks shown
above were acquired in 1965. There were two other sets of
trucks also acquired and between them all,
along with major engineering, a pair of trucks will
be built for the Narcissus. Building trucks that have
a visual appearance, operational integrity, and
adequate power and speed for use by the Narcissus
will be the largest financial expense, with costs sure
to exceed a quarter of a million dollars.
In summary, a few weeks after we submitted our proposal to the 20th Century Electric Railway Foundation for them to consider a major gift to the Museum to complete the restoration portion of the Narcissus project, we were notified that the Foundation approved the major gift. This major gift from the 20th Century Electric Railway Foundation in California to the Narcissus Project will be the financial catalyst that will propel the restoration of this National Register of Historic Places electric railway icon to completion. Arthur Jones and Joseph Brogan, the principals and founders of the 20th Century Electric Railway Foundation, have honored the Narcissus with their Foundation’s extraordinary gift. When fully implemented, the gift will fund the restoration to completion. The Foundation was created many years ago with its mission to benefit railway museums throughout the United States.
We continue the restoration work on the 1912, Narcissus, the only surviving high-speed, luxury interurban coach of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban.
Click Here: Narcissus Restoration-Related Posts
Being more than a century old, the stately, "Elegant Ride," Narcissus, is a gem. This shimmering precious stone of Maine transportation history is brilliantly resplendent as it emanates so many elements of history, including; time, places, people, and events, that it was coupled to, that when just a smattering of its seemingly innumerable stories are shared, the contents captivates, fascinates, then generates, interest to learn more 🙋. The majestic Narcissus is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Please consider joining the epic journey to complete the Narcissus Project by making a donation today!
Click Here: Donation Options
The restoration of this majestic icon of Maine's electric railway history is but one in a series of captivating stories containing an abundance of incredible coalition of narratives.
Click Here: History-Related Posts - Narcissus and Portland-Lewiston Interurban
The Narcissus is featured in the national Gold Award-winning novel, Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride. The "Elegant Ride" is the Narcissus. Theodore Roosevelt was a passenger on the Narcissus on August 18, 1914, between Lewiston and Portland, Maine, while campaigning for the Progressive Party candidates.
Click Here: Bookstores and Businesses promoting the Narcissus Project
Independent book publisher, Phil Morse, holding
the Gold Book Award Winner plaque for
the Middle Reader category for The Eric
Hoffer Book Award. Congratulations to
award-winning Maine author,
Jean M. Flahive
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