- 03.07.2020 - Androscoggin & Kennebec Railway Co. 1919-1941
- 03.14.2020 - Atlantic Shore Railway 1911-1923 (York County)
- 03.12.2020 - Atlantic Shoreline Railway 1900-1910 (York County)
- 01.27.2019 - Aroostook Valley Railroad 1909-1946
- 03.08.2020 - Auburn & Turner Railroad 1905-1928
- 03.09.2020 - Auburn, Mechanic Falls & Norway Street Rwy1902-3
- 03.12.2019 - Trolleys to Augusta 1889-1932
- 03.03.2020 - Bangor, Hampden & Winterport Rwy 1896-1905
- 03.04.2020 - Bangor Hydro-Electric Company 1925-1945
- 03.02.2020 - Bangor, Orono & Old Town Railway 1895-1905
- 03.02.2020 - Bangor Railway & Electric Company 1905-1925
- 03.01.2020 - Bangor Street Railway 1889-1905
- 02.17.2020 - Biddeford and Saco Railroad 1888-1939
- 06.06.2024 - Car 31 of the Biddeford and Saco Railroad Arrived 124 Years Ago Today
- 02.26.2019 - The Benton & Fairfield Railway 1898 - 1928
- 01.25.2019 - The Calais Street Railway 1894-1929
- 02.27.2019 - The Fairfield & Shawmut Railway 1903 -1927
- 01.29.2019 - The Fryeburg Horse Railroad 1887-1913 (never electrified)
- 01.16.2018 - Pre-PLI: Trolley Service Between Portland and the Twin Cities - Auburn-Lewiston
- 03.07.2020 - Lewiston, Augusta & Waterville St Rwy 1907-1919
- 03.06.2020 - Lewiston, Brunswick & Bath St Rwy 1898-1907
- 01.10.2024 - The Merrymeeting Trolley Park - Brunswick - 1899-1906
- 05.10.2024 - The "Merrymeeting" Parlor Car from the Lewiston, Brunswick & Bath 1899-1921
- 02.21.2020 - Mousam River Railroad 1892-1899 (York County)
- 01.31.2019 - Norway and Paris Street Railway 1894-1918
- 03.04.2020 - Penobscot Central Railway 1898-1906
- 07.02.2016 - The Beginning of the Portland, Gray & Lewiston Railroad - July 2, 1914
- 06.28.2016 - The End of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban - June 28, 1933
- 05.12.2018 - Morrison Hill Station, the PLI, and the Narcissus - West Cumberland Presentation
- 03.07.2020 - Portland & Brunswick Electric Railway 1902-1911
- 02.03.2024 - Casco Castle Trolley Park - South Freeport 1902-1914
- 10.17.2018 - Portland Railroad History 1860-1941
- 05.14.2024 - Portland Railroad - St. John Street Carhouse and Shops 1888-1941
- 09.14.2018 - Portland Railroad - Congress Street Revisited: Monument Square to Union Station
- 09.17.2018 - Portland Railroad - Forest Avenue to Riverton Park Revisited
- 09.09.2018 - Portland Railroad - Munjoy Hill Revisited
- 09.08.2018 - Portland Railroad - South Portland & Cape Elizabeth Revisited
- 09.19.2018 - Portland Railroad - Westbrook, Gorham, and South Windham Revisited
- 03.11.2020 - Portsmouth, Dover & York St. Rwy 1903-1906 (York County)
- 02.23.2020 - Portsmouth, Kittery & York St. Rwy 1897-1903 (York County)
- 01.22.2022 - Portsmouth, Kittery &York St. Rwy - Carhouse and Steam Plant (York County)
- 03.16.2019 - Rockland, Thomaston, & Camden Street Railway 1892-1931
- 03.14.2019 - Rockland, South Thomaston, and St. George Railway 1902-1918
- 02.22.2020 - Sanford & Cape Porpoise Railway 1899-1904
- 03.03.2018 - Trolleys Through Scarborough, Maine
- 01.30.2019 - The Skowhegan & Norridgewock 1894-1903
- 02.27.2019 - The Somerset Traction Company 1895-1928
- 03.02.2019 - Waterville, Fairfield, & Oakland 1887-1937
- 10-6-2023 - Waterville, Fairfield, & Oakland Street Railway - Foster Leavitt, Sr. Collection
- 03.15.2020 - York Utilities Company 1923-1949 (York County)
- 11.28.2020 - 1910 Trolley Wayfinder: Street Railway Guide of New England
- 11.20.2020 - Destination Travel Times by Trolley - "In-State" and travel to "Out-of-State"
- 04.08.2020 - Field Guide to Maine Trolley Car Types 1870s-1930s
- 04.05.2020 - Poetry Inspired by Trolleys and Operators 1898-1940
- 06.14.2019 - The "Figure Eight" of Lewiston
- 05.27.2019 - Artifacts & Ephemera - Benton & Fairfield Railway
- 05.02.2019 - A Look Back at Riverton Trolley Park 1896-1933
- 08.30.2018 - Osher Map Library - 57 Glass Negatives (Maine Railways)
- 04.20.2018 - Discovering "Nuggets" While Researching Portland-Lewiston Interurban
- 09.30.2016 - Scrapbook Celebrates the People of the PLI 1938-1941
- 04.11.2018 - Deed Research of Properties Along the PLI Right-of-Way
- 07.29.2018 - "Progress" Continues to Slowly Remove Remnants of the PLI
- 05.12.2017 - "Cell Phone" for the Narcissus Arrived Today - 1903 Model
- 04.27.2015 - The P, G & L "Bouquet" ordered in 1912
- 06.09.2019 - Conserved! January 1910 Original Surveyors' Map of the P, G & L Railroad
- 06.05.2021 - Detailed Report Comparing 1910 Surveyors' Map with PLI Remnants in 2021
- 09.14.2021 - What Happened to the PLI Interurbans After 1933?
These companion curricula State-standard-based units for
classroom use in grades 3-5 & 6-8 is now available as
open-access resources online through Seashore Trolley
The museum's website at www.trolleymuseum.org/elegantride/ and
online at Maine Memory Network with other statewide K-12
lesson plans.
Unit Development:
Vocabulary Activities (Grades 3-8) are based on Tier Two vocabulary words extrapolated from
Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride text using the Maine Department of Education
online Academic Word Finder.
Additional grade-level vocabulary words are identified and marked using the
Wordsmyth Vocabulary Inventory (WVI) grade-level band identifier. These are now available as
open-access resources online through Seashore Trolley Museum's website
Vocabulary and Reading activities include grade-specific Tier Two words from
Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride, including; words to define, crossword puzzles,
word search, chapter discussion questions, figurative language activities, etc.
Appendix of vocab words in their sentences, in alphabetical order, with chapter, page,
Tier Two/WVI band identifier noted. These are now available as open-access resources
online through Seashore Trolley Museum's website
Social Studies Units (History and ELA)
Woven into the Teddy Roosevelt, Millie and the Elegant Ride story are topics that provide opportunities
to help students discover and expand their use and understanding of history, social studies, language arts,
and science.
Following the guidance of the Maine Department of Education, these lesson plan units target the
2019 Maine Learning Results for Social Studies and Common Core State Standards:
English Language Arts Standards > History/Social Studies > Grades 6-8
The lesson plans in this companion to the curriculum explore a variety of topics including;
- The history of the trolley used in early 20th Century Maine
- Maine rural life at the turn of the century,
- The story of Theodore Roosevelt and his relationship with Maine
- World War One
- The flu pandemic of 1918-1920
Maine Historical Society has created eight companion lesson plan units inspired
by Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride - These companion curricula State-standard-based
units for classroom use in grades 3-5 & 6-8 are now available as open-access
resources online through the Seashore Trolley Museum's website
www.trolleymuseum.org/elegantride/ and online at
Maine Memory Network with other statewide K-12 lesson plans.
Content Areas and Strands:
* Social Studies - Civics & Government
* Social Studies - Geography
* Social Studies - History
Duration: 8-18 days
Period of Years 1851-1920
Bicentennial Themes:
* Living in Maine
* The Business of Maine
* Maine Leads
* The Maine Character
Intended Outcomes:
- Students will practice the skills involved in researching and analyzing primary sources.
- Students will practice historical research skills.
- Students will be able to identify different modes of transportation historically used in Maine
- Students will be able to answer why the use of the trolley system was innovative and efficient.
- Students will be able to identify different types of trolley cars that were used in Maine.
- Students will be able to describe the history of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban and the Narcissus.
- Students will be able to describe the shift from small family farms to commercial farming in ME.
- Students will be able to identify the major agricultural industries and products historically associated with Maine.
- Students will be able to describe life on an early 20th-century Maine family farm and how life has changed in Maine since the early 1900s.
- Students will be able to describe the difference between attending school in the early 20th century and attending school today.
- Students will be able to explain Theodore Roosevelt's connections to Maine and the people of Maine.
- Students will be able to describe the work and accomplishments of Theodore Roosevelt.
- Students will be able to describe the platform of the Bull Moose Party.
- Students will be able to explain the role and duties of the president of the United States.
- Students will consider what qualities and skills would make a person a good candidate for President of the United States.
- Students will be able to describe the lives, work, and contributions of Americans on the home front during World War I using primary resources.
- Students will be able to explain what propaganda is and how it was used by the U. S. government during World War I.
- Students will be able to describe what many soldiers faced during World War I.
- Students will be able to describe the impact of the 1918-1920 flu pandemic on World War I and the people in Maine.
Initial plans for the ribbon-cutting celebration activities have started with planning to continue to evolve into several very exciting events over several days. Readers of Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride will learn from Millie about her deep, life-long connections to the Narcissus, and will literally, be able to experience the "elegant ride" themselves!
Throughout Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride there are references made to various People, Places, and Events that are woven into the everyday lives of the characters as they experience the early years of the 20th century. Below are links to online sources to assist in conducting research concerning these major people, places, and events mentioned in Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride. The person, place, or event may be a separate listing or it may be included within a grouping of a related topic. This is the initial post and the expectation is that over time, the resources listed on the page will continue to be edited and new ones added.
People, Places, and Events in Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride with online links to resources
Auburn, Maine
Auburn - City Website City of Auburn, Maine
Auburn & Lewiston - Court Street, PLI sites, maps, etc. Narcissus Project blog
Auburn - Court Street City of Auburn
Auburn - Deer Rips (Dam) City of Auburn - W. S. Libbey and Henry Dingley were the businessmen behind the construction of the Deer Rips Dam. There is a reference to the construction of the dam in the biography of W. S. Libbey that was written by his grandchildren - Click Here to read the biography in the Narcissus Project Blog
Auburn - North Bridge City of Auburn
Additional online resources for Auburn:
Androscoggin Historical Society
Camp Fire Girls
Handbook Outsideonline.com
Dr. Luther Gulick and Charlotte Gulick Cornerstone Books
Camp Wohelo wohelo.com at Sebago Lake
Camp Fire Girls Ames History Museum
Boy Scouts Boy Scouts of America
Red Cross Red Cross
Dark Harbor/Islesboro, Maine
TR's visit to Dark Harbor TR Maine Heritage Trail post
Additional online resources for Islesboro and Dark Harbor:
Dark Harbor map Town of Islesboro
Islesboro, Maine Town of Islesboro
Islesboro Historical Society
Henry Dingley - W. S. Libbey and Henry Dingley were business partners for many years. There is a reference to how they met and their early business dealings together in the biography of W. S. Libbey written by his grandchildren - Click Here to read the biography in the Narcissus Project Blog
Gray, Maine -
Gray Town of Gray
Civil War monument in Gray Town of Gray
Book resources for Gray:
Images of America - Gray, Maine (Antonio's Store, Armistice Parade, Cobbs Hill, Colley Hill Farm, Gray Corners, Gray Town Hall, Hancock School, Osgood's Ice Cream Parlor, Pennell Institute, South Gray Elementary School, Sweetser General Store, Week's Hill, Yarmouth Road,
Online resources for Gray:
Gray Historical Society
Grippe, Influenza, Spanish Flu, Epidemic, and Pandemic
Maine Timeline for Pandemic Maine.gov (Capt. Lawry - Secretary of State Senate (Maine) visited Camp Devens, got sick, and died)
Camp Devens - history U.S. Army
U. S. Surgeon General William Gorgas U.S. Army
Island Falls, Maine
Island Falls VisitMaine.com
Other online resources:
Island Falls Historical Society (Facebook Page)
Indian Tribes - Maine
Wabanaki Nation Four Direction Development Corp
Abbe Museum Abbe Museum
Lewiston, Maine
Lewiston City of Lewiston
The Lewiston Walking History tour City of Lewiston (Lisbon St., Pecks, Leadbetter's, Libbey Mill, etc.) Lewiston and Auburn Narcissus Project Blog (Lisbon Street, PLI sites, maps, etc.)
W. Scott Libbey - Various blog posts on the life of W.S.Libbey:
W. S. Libbey: The Man and His Mill - the biography by the Libbey grandchildren
McGuffey Reader (School book) PDF Gutenberg.org
What is a Narcissus? Gardenia.net
Newspaper story on how W.S. Libbey chose the names of the original interurbans is here...Lewiston Evening Journal...must scroll to Friday, June 26, 1914 - Front Page "Inspected The Libbey Road: Railroad Commissioners' Official Trip Over P, G, & L, Friday - to read the full story, you will need to scroll to page 11 News.Google.com
New Gloucester, Maine
New Gloucester - Map Town of New Gloucester
Other online resources:
New Gloucester Historical Society
Portland, Maine -
Portland City of Portland
Map - Downtown (Current) City of Portland
1909 Portland street map Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society (Streets: Commercial, Crn.Free & Brown, Exchange, Federal, India, Middle, Monument Square, Temple, (waterfront, wharves, seaport)
Falmouth Hotel - Lobby 1900 Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society
Grand Trunk Railroad Station Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society
S. S. Kresge Company ("Five and Dime") Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society
Lincoln Park City of Portland
Union Station (Railroad Station) DigitalMaine
Porteous Department Store - (Christmas Store) Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society
Other online resources:
History of Trolleys in Portland (Monument Square) Narcissus Project Blog
Maine Historical Society
Portland-Lewiston Interurban was originally named the Portland, Gray & Lewiston Railroad
Map details that show areas mentioned in the story...rivers, various stops, etc...reference to cow tunnels, gates, etc., - newspaper story:
Click Here for the link to the Lewiston Evening Journal story of the June 26, 1914 inspection trip by the Maine Railroad Commissioners with many details of the line. When opening the link, the first newspaper, June 23, 1914. You must scroll to the front page of June 26, 1914. The article begins on the front page. You must scroll to page 11 (Inspected the Libbey Roads) to read the remaining article.
Click Here for the link to the Lewiston Daily Sun story of the June 26, 1914 inspection trip as reported on page 6 on June 27, 1914. When opening the link, the first newspaper, June 26, 1914. You must scroll to the June 27th edition and go to page six. the complete summary is on this single page.
Seashore Trolley Museum
Seashore Trolley Museum TrolleyMuseum.org
Kennebunkport, Maine Town of Kennebunkport
Other online resources:
Kennebunkport, Maine Kennebunkport Business Assoc
Kennebunkport Historical Society -
Suffrage/Women's Rights
Maine and National Maine Suffrage Centennial
Women's Suffrage At Last (42-c) USHistory.org
Florence Whitehouse - suffragette/publicist Red Cross - Maine items - Maine Memory Network
Federal Suffrage amendment - Maine and National resources Maine Suffrage Centennial
TR quotes in support of Women's Rights Theodore Roosevelt Association
TR at Sagamore Hill with Suffragettes Library of Congress video
19th Amendment to the Constitution Interactive Constitution
Theodore Roosevelt
His Life and Times on Film - Timeline - Library of Congress
Theodore Roosevelt Timeline - World War I Theodore Roosevelt Center
Theodore Roosevelt Timeline - The Life of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - Brief Biography Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - Connections to Maine Narcissus Project Blog
TR - 26th President of the U.S. Whitehouse.gov
TR - Rough Rider in the White House (43a) USHistory.org
TR - Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt (First Wife) Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - Alice Lee Roosevelt (First Daughter) Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - Edith Carrow Roosevelt (Second Wife) Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - Spanish-American War Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR - "Remember the Maine!" (44c) USHistory.org
TR - Spanish-American War and Its Consequences (44d) USHistory.org
TR - 1912 Presidential Election (43f) USHistory.org
TR - Amazon Expedition/River of Doubt-Videos Library of Congress
TR - Malaria MentalFloss
TR - Panama Hat President1906
TR - My Debt to Maine (TR's letter) TR Maine Heritage Trail post
TR - Sagamore Hill National Park Service
TR - Sagamore Hill Friends of Sagamore Hill
TR - Died January 6, 1919/Young Memorial Cemetery-Video Library of Congress
TR - Quotes ("Feet on the Ground...") Goodreads
TR - General Wood First World War
TR Children WW I - Library of Congress videos
Sons in Regiments - WWI-Video Library of Congress
Theodore (Ted) Roosevelt, Jr (First Son) Theodore Roosevelt Center
Kermit Roosevelt (Second Son) Theodore Roosevelt Center
Archibald (Archie) Roosevelt (Third Son) Theodore Roosevelt Center
Quentin (Fourth Son) Military.com
Ethel Roosevelt (Second Daughter) Theodore Roosevelt Center
TR and the Badlands/Dakota Territory
Timeline Theodore Roosevelt Center
William (Bill) W. Sewall
William W. Sewall Theodore Roosevelt Center
Bill Sewall & Wilmot Dow - National Park Service
Mattawamkeag, Maine (train station) Mattawamkeag Facebook page
"The County" - Aroostook County
Bull Moose Party Britannica.com
Bull Moose Party Progressivism Sweeps the Nation 42 USHistory.org
Progressive Party - Student-Teacher Resource Study.com
Progressive Party U-S-History.com
Republican Party - 1916 UCSB.edu
Conservative/Progressive wings of Republican Party 1916 Library of Congress
Democratic Party - 1916 UCSB.edu
William McKinley (25th President of the U. S.) Whitehouse.gov
William Howard Taft (27th President of the U.S.) Whitehouse.gov
Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the U.S.) Whitehouse.gov
Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom-43g USHistory.org
Charles Evan Hughes ConstitutionCenter.org
Wason Manufacturing Company -
Wason Manufacturing Company Midcontinent Blog on Wason Manufacturing (the trolley manufacturing portion begins towards the end of page two)
West Cumberland, Maine
Cumberland Fair History Cumberlandfair.com
Other online resources:
Cumberland Historical Society
West Falmouth, Maine
Falmouth City of Falmouth
Other online resources:
Falmouth Historical Society
WWI/The Great War -
Timeline (Includes index to all years/months/days) FirstWorldWar.com
Wilson pledged neutrality FirstWorldWar.com
Cunard's Ocean Liner Lusitania - Ireland/British waters/German Submarines/U-Boats/torpedos
Diplomatic relations off w/Germany...American Liner ship Housatonic sunk the next day...arms deal..other ships sunk FirstWorldWar.com
Joint Session of Congress 4/2/17 - declare War 4-6-17 FirstWorldWar
Conscription/Draft FirstWorldWar.com
Liberty Bonds/Thrift Stamps - Federal Reserve & teacher plans at Study.com
U. S. Treasury Secretary William McAdoo-War/Liberty Bonds/Stamps FirstWorldWar.com
Camp Devens, Ayer, MA - WWI Training Camps FirstWorldWar.com ForcesNetwork
War is over - Armistice FirstWorldWar
Cell phone: 207-985-9723
Linkedin: Phil Morse - Project Manager for the Narcissus - 1912
04.24.2016 -Narcissus Restoration Update - Part 2 - Exterior Poplar Frames - 4-22-2016
04.28.2016 -Narcissus Restoration Update - Part 3 - Exterior Poplar Frames 4-22-2016
05.12.2016 - Reclaimed Lumber Used in Narcissus Restoration
05.15.2016 - Narcissus Restoration Update - Part 4 - Exterior Poplar Frames 5-11-2016
09.21.2016 - Narcissus Restoration Update - Mid-September 2016
12.19.2016 - Narcissus Restoration Update - 2016 Summary
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